UpReach Terms of Agreement 

Welcome to UpReach Learning (known herein as “UpReach”, “we”, “us”, “our”).

UpReach materials (online and print), and all and other intellectual and property rights used in or related to each program are the exclusive property of UpReach or its licensors. You agree not to share, reproduce, sell or distribute to any third party any information, written or spoken, including course materials, obtained from UpReach in connection with UpReach courses or tutoring programs, and agree to use such information only for your personal, non-commercial use. You further agree not to distribute UpReach materials. UpReach materials purchased by you are available exclusively for your non-commercial use.

As space is limited in UpReach programs, enrollment in UpReach programs is available on a first-come, first-served basis.

You are solely responsible for all technology (i.e computer/laptop) and all Internet/wireless services necessary for effective participation in the course.

UpReach reserves the right to alter these Student Enrollment Agreement Terms and Conditions, in any part. Any alterations or updates will be posted on our website.

Attendance Policy

Students should be ready and prepared to start from the beginning of their live online meetings and stay in the meeting until the end of the session. (It is a good practice to try to login to the virtual meeting at least 5 minutes early to avoid any technical difficulties.)

If students are going to miss the session for any reason, they should inform the instructor before the session.

In the event of any difficulties regarding internet connection before or during a session, students should inform the instructor as soon as possible.

Liability Release and Waiver: 

 I agree to hold harmless UpReach, and its employees from any and all loss, damage, liability, cost, or expenses arising out of or resulting from the use of equipment or property owned by or under the control of UpReach. I also understand that UpReach does not carry insurance to cover participants in the activities in which I, or my child is participating in. I understand there are risks associated with these activities, and I assume the risk of any injuries that I, or my child may sustain during any of the activities. I forever discharge UpReach, and its employees from any lawsuits, damages, claims, or judgments resulting from any personal injuries or property damages that I or my child may sustain while using UpReach property or equipment, or while participating in an activity sponsored by UpReach.

Student Code of Online Conduct & Etiquette, Technology Policy

Students are required to observe the UpReach Code of Conduct while enrolled as a student:

To treat fellow students, UpReach faculty and staff with respect at all times. This includes the


Consequences of breaking these rules will take place as follows after each subsequent refraction:

1.  A verbal warning from the instructor

2.  Communication with the student’s parent/guardian 

3. Being asked to leave the program without a refund.


Payment must be received by UpReach before the start date of a course/program. Payments can be made via our website, either in full or through installments. If payments are made by installments on a monthly basis, the first payment must be made before the session begins. Subsequent payments will be automatically drafted.

Monthly memberships: Payments will be drafted on a monthly basis. To discontinue your membership, you must call us at 1-866-488-0574 or email [email protected].

Late payments or declined credit card payments may result in the discontinuation of services.

Refund Policy

Students must withdraw before the start date of the course to receive a full refund. After the first session, students who wish to withdraw will receive 50% of their tuition. Subsequent refunds will not be available.

Prohibited Conduct; Dismissal from Program or Online Access:

Weapons of any kind, including but not limited to: firearms, knives, mace, or any other object or material that may be perceived as harmful to others are prohibited on UpReach’s property/ teaching locations, regardless of whether or not you are licensed to own/carry the weapon.

All UpReach students must comply with other conditions that UpReach may notify enrolled students of regarding the safety of instructors and students.

Acceptance of These Terms and Conditions:

By checking the “I agree to the Enrollment Terms” checkbox, you accept UpReach’s Terms and Conditions of Student Enrollment.

By checking the checkbox when prompted, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to these Student Enrollment Agreement Terms and Conditions.

UpReach may dismiss you from an UpReach program or cancel your services, including online access to our services if you do not comply with these Student Enrollment Agreement Terms and Conditions, or other rules and procedures applicable to our products or services being provided to you.

UpReach will not provide a refund in any amount or provide any credit in the event of the dismissal of a student from a program/course.

You must be 18 years of age or older to accept these Student Enrollment Agreement Terms and Conditions. If you are less than 18 years of age, a parent or guardian is required to accept on your behalf. By checking the “I agree to the Enrollment Terms” box, you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.